Cigna Global ( Asuransi Cigna ) is renowned in Indonesia for its international travel and health insurance. It serves extraordinarily in this industry and has proven history of excellent services in Indonesia and worldwide for past three decades. They have flourished millions of long-lasting partnerships with healthcare experts and institutes throughout the world. They provide premium healthcare insurance coverage and protection to its customers. The coverage comprise international comprehensive plan – that provides protection everywhere and anytime throughout the globe. Take premium international healthcare coverage. You will get nothing less than the best. Get a quote now!

Cigna has a customer base of 60-million all around the globe and they are supported by more than 30-thousand highly active staff – that ensures the accuracy of best possible healthcare support service. The imperative thing of staff is to ensure that you are being insured in a most suitable manner.

At Like medical, we make sure that you decided smartly on your insurance policy and get abundantly paid by dividends – that is the most important thing to make your mind up. Cigna Indonesia has vast experience of delivering insurance service with technical knowledge and professionalism – on which you can depend upon. Moreover, it provides tumor premiums and swift attainment of schemes that you wish for and within your means.

Obtain a quote today and feel secure with us!

Cigna Global Plan

Cigna Global Healthcare Insurance offers fundamental scheme in 3 levels. There are enhanced add-on services that are supplementary and can be added – once the basic plan has been selected. So, you can customize your plans according to your needs and requirements of your budget. The fundamental scheme includes outpatient treatment, hospitalization, cancer care and procedures of complex imaging.

Firstly, we especially stress upon your necessities before you choose Cigna Plan. Appropriate healthcare insurance ensures overall goodness of your health. The customized plan offers assurance of premium healthcare – which you can easily afford. Live your life free of worries that are associated to your healthcare. Cigna Global and Luke Medical present you the opportunity to enjoy your life to the fullest.

Optional Benefits by Cigna Global

Day-care treatments and consultation are provided for out-patient services. You can obtain essential prescription and give you the privilege of scheduling your consultations – which are also covered without need of hospitalization. As discussed before, our healthcare covers pregnancy, ophthalmological services, evacuation in emergency cases, pre-existing chronic illnesses and dental work-ups. These services are not only provided in Indonesia but all over the world. Our scheme covers the adequate protection of your health overseas and in Indonesia. Whether you are studying, traveling, visiting for business deals or doing business outside Indonesia – We have got you covered everywhere!

Get a Cigna Global Plan

The very unique feature of Cigna Global Insurance is the customization of insurance plans that are suitable to your requirements. Moreover, service is rendered regardless wherever you are.

The main distinguishing character of Cigna Insurance is the provision of tailor-made plans to suit your requirements internationally irrespective of your location. Furthermore, Cigna is renowned for – Assistance in multiple languages, psychiatric care and flexibility in deductibles. Cigna provides such competitive rendering of service that is hard to match by any other organization. We have six decades of proven history in providing best insurance coverage services for expatriates.

Before we issue an insurance quote to you; we put special emphasis on your needs, requirements, budget and the market prices. Hence, you get the highly personalized and premium healthcare plan at the most competitive prices in market. We put forth our untiring efforts, commitment and efforts to provide you the expected service. We share your burden of high healthcare costs and make you at ease. Your protection is our priority. Live at ease if you have obtained our international coverage and traveling around the world. Reach out to Luke Medical in order to obtain a meticulous coverage of Cigna Global Plan. Free yourself of health related worries from this very moment.

We welcome you to plan with us your health insurance coverage or just convey an obtained plan to us. You can freely contact our highly experienced customer support service via email or call.

Dental Coverage by Cigna

If you ever have visited a dentist – you might have the idea of how frightening it is. It is a costly thing. If you are facing issues and continue to visit your dentist, then it is imperative to get assistance from insurance. There are several comprehensive dental plans that are offered by Cigna Global to facilitate your dental necessities. It can save you from a significant dental health costs. Get a dental health insurance scheme and keep your fortune safe. Dental health insurance is an add-on service – which means that it’s a component of a health insurance scheme. However, you can tailor your plan according to your dental issues. Hence, regardless of what kind of health problem you are facing – we are always there for your support.

Dental surgeries are included in the package. Moreover, regular check-ups of dental fitness are included. Considering dental fitness, it is imperative to have regular check-ups and that might be costly. Having insurance is for dental health is indispensable – which offers the opportunity for regular check-ups. There is no bothering of long waiting queues with Cigna; it has very smallest waiting time. We are fully dedicated to provide you with what you aspire. It increases the value of service noticeably. Feel free to make contact with us for further details.